| | ISPN Official Business NEW! The next ISPN General Meeting will be Wednesday, September 22, 2021 from 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM. Register here. Want to plan ahead for the year? All the meetings for 2021 are listed. Just click the drop-down button to register. NEW! ISPN is looking for an administrative intern! This intern would assist with communications such as the Weekly Round-Up, file organization, and virtual meeting support. For more details on the position, email info@ispnstl.org. Interested in getting more involved in ISPN? Consider becoming a member of our network. In addition to attending the monthly meetings, members work on focused, collaborative initiatives with other community partners in committees. Contact ISPN Program Manager, Rita Chang (info@ispnstl.org), for more information about membership. Read more about the committees here. Feel free to contact any of the committee leads below. - Conference Committee: Aya Kawasaki, ayak5lcsw@gmail.com; Julia Uyttewaal, julia.uyttewaal@wustl.edu; & Meaghan Bailey, meaghan@wustl.edu
- Immigrant Family Emergency Response Fund: Rita Chang (info@ispnstl.org)
- Fundraising Committee: Julie Fox (director@ihelpstl.org)
- Language Access Committee: Kathryn Koch (kathryn.koch@slu.edu)
- Membership Committee: Sidee Conteh (sconteh@slcommunityofstl.org)
- Communications Committee: Eliza Prager (elizapragerot@gmail.com)
- Vaccine Committee: Meredith Rataj (mrataj@ccstl.org)
- Service Providers Committee: Marissa Cohen (mcohen@ehoc-stl.org)
Do you have an announcement for the Weekly Round-Up? Email us at info@ispnstl.org. We accept events, resources, job postings, agency updates, and opportunities for engagement. Submissions for the Weekly Round-Up are due at 12:00 PM on Thursdays for release on Friday. Job postings will run for three consecutive weeks and be removed unless specifically noted. All submissions are subject to review. If you are receiving this email, you are currently subscribed to receive email communications from the ISPN. Click here if you would like to change your subscription preferences. Know someone who would like to receive our emails? Send them this link. | | | News NEW! Medicaid expansion is now open for eligible Missourians. Missouri Foundation for Health has produced a research-based message guide, which are now available in 15 languages. Sent by Nikki Lopresti, All Access Interpreters NEW! The Center for Human Rights, Gender and Migration at Washington University officially launched its bi-lingual toolkit for service providers and humanitarian workers in Mexico. It offers guidance on how to approach the thorny issue of refugees’ and migrants’ disclosure of gender-based violence. Read more. Sent by Rita Chang, IFCLA, ISPN Program Manager NEW! The Gateway Region YMCA offers free, virtual reading tutoring to youth in 1st - 12th grade who are behind in reading. This tutoring is once a week through Zoom and is free regardless of Y membership. For questions, please email Michelle Peeler. To register a child in need of tutoring, click here. To volunteer to be a reading tutor, click here. Sent by Michelle Peeler, YMCA NEW! Emergency rental assistance is available through the American Rescue Plan Act. The rental assistance will help cover rent, utilities, and other housing costs to keep residents in their homes. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has a new website (consumerfinance.gov/renthelp) that allows renters and landlords to find information on rental assistance in their area. The CFPB website offers resources in English and Spanish to help renters and landlords access additional financial assistance related to housing costs. Sent by Rita Chang, IFCLA, ISPN Program Manager NEW! The Missouri Housing Development Commission’s SAFHR program offers housing and utility assistance for those affected by COVID-19. For more information visit https://www.mohousingresources.com/ Sent by Rita Chang, IFCLA, ISPN Program Manager NEW! St. Louis Society for the Blind and Visually Impaired works to provide services and training for adults in St. Louis county and city, and parts of St. Charles and Jefferson County. Services include Social Work, Counseling, Low Vision Medical Exams and therapy, Daily Living Therapy, Assistive Technology and limited Transportation. They have a Sight Solutions Shop where people can find items that will help them live better with vision loss. Insurance, income level, and or citizenship status does not preclude access services. The agency is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and one staff-person is bilingual. See their flyer in Spanish and English. Sent by Laura Park-Leach, St. Louis Society for the Blind and Visually Impaired NEW! The American Rescue Act Plan Act includes $4.5 billion in additional Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funding to help families with low incomes afford home heating and cooling costs and meet unpaid electric and natural gas bills. ACF is also administering over $1 billion in funding to assist low-income households with drinking water and wastewater bills through the newly established Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). Visit https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ocs for additional information. Sent by Rita Chang, IFCLA, ISPN Program Manager | | | Upcoming Events NEW! August 28 (9:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM) Sistemas Familia Interna (IFS) This is a workshop for professionals who work in mental health, psychology, and psychiatry. Any questions or interest please contact Roselyne Hazard at (636) 584-1514. Sent by Roselyne Hazard, ALIVE NEW! August 28 (11:00 AM - 12:30 PM) Atendiendo al Duelo Traumático | Tending to Traumatic Grief In this webinar we will learn about "Traumatic Grief" and its severe implications on our individual and community's mental well being. Together we will collectively practice strategies and techniques to help begin the healing process. Register here. Sent by Rita Chang, IFCLA, ISPN Program Manager NEW! August 31 (7:00 PM) Online Screening of “PROOF POSITIVE” - Affinia Healthcare Super Heroes Defend Against the Coronavirus! To register and receive a link to view the documentary, you may click on the image below, or click HERE. Sent by Yvonne Buhlinger, Affinia Healthcare NEW! September 1 (11:30 AM - 1:00 PM) Know Your Level: Effective Use of Plain Language to Communicate with Research and Program Participants! Mychal Voorhees from the Becker Medical Library will discuss the importance and use of plain language in research and program planning, implementation, and sharing. The event is fully virtual. A flyer is available here. Sent by Meaghan Bailey, Institute for Public Health, Washington University NEW! September 2 (11:00 AM) Using Trauma Science to Successfully Support Asylum Seekers Join this FREE webinar in which experts in the science of trauma, immigration-related trauma, and asylum law discuss strategic uses of trauma science to support the well-being and human rights of asylum seekers. Register online here. Free continuing education credits available for registered attendees. Sent by Julia Uyttewaal, Institute for Public Health, Washington University NEW! September 14 (12:00 PM) Intersections: Eliminate Racism, End Homelessness & Eradicate Social Isolation Panelists will examine the intersections between racism and the Grand Challenges to End Homelessness and Eradicate Social Isolation, as well as interventions to address them. Register here! Sent by Sal Valadez, LiUNA NEW! October 15 The Latino Roundtable of Southwestern Illinois is hosting the 10th annual "Immigrants in Our Midst Conference: Recovery, Resiliency, and Revitalization." We are excited to provide this virtual opportunity to professionals, service providers, business owners, students, and interested community members. Topics will be focused on how we can better serve U.S. immigrants' and limited English proficient persons through creation of inclusive spaces, best healthcare practices, understanding changes in demographics, trauma informed practices, and much more. Sent by Kristen Shinn, Puentes de Esperanza/Hoyleton Youth & Family Services | | | Jobs and Volunteer Opportunities NEW! ISPN is looking for an administrative intern! This intern would assist with communications such as the Weekly Round-Up, file organization, and virtual meeting support. For more details on the position, email info@ispnstl.org. The Deaconess Center for Child Well-Being is seeking volunteer support with virtual convenings and their Welcome Desk. For more information visit here. Sent by Rita Chang, IFCLA, ISPN Program Manager NEW! To learn about open jobs at EW Gateway Council of Governments, visit their website. Sent by Sal Valadez, LiUNA NEW! The Missouri Show Me Hope Crisis Counseling Program is looking for crisis counselors! If you're in search of an occupation to help others, please reach out to Show Me Hope by emailing showmehope@dmh.mo.gov. Full and part time positions available! Information about the Show Me Hope program can be found at moshowmehope.org. Sent by Ophelia Velasquez, Casa de Salud | | | | | | Immigrant Service Providers Network (ISPN) 5021 Adkins Ave., Room 122 | St. Louis, Missouri 63116 314.721.2977 | info@ispnstl.org www.ispnstl.org | | | | | | | |