ISPN Official Business NEW! The ISPN Language Access Committee is collecting information about Welcoming Week (Sept. 10-19) Activities. If your organization has any Welcoming Week activities that might serve as opportunities for City and County government stakeholders to connect with the immigrant community and learn more about what service providers offer, please contact the Language Access Committee or Kathryn Koch at kathryn.koch@slu.edu. Sent by Kathryn Koch, ISPN Language Access Committee Chair The next ISPN General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 28, 2021 from 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM. Register here. Want to plan ahead for the year? All the meetings for 2021 are listed. Just click the drop-down button to register. Interested in getting more involved in ISPN? Consider becoming a member of our network. In addition to attending the monthly meetings, members work on focused, collaborative initiatives with other community partners in committees. Contact ISPN Program Manager, Rita Chang (info@ispnstl.org), for more information about membership. Read more about the committees here. Committee leads are listed below.
- Conference Committee: Rita Chang (info@ispnstl.org)
- Immigrant Family Emergency Response Fund: Rita Chang (info@ispnstl.org)
- Fundraising Committee: Emily Stuart (emily@gatewaypets.org)
- Language Access Committee: Kate Koch (katek7@gmail.com)
- Membership Committee: Sidee Conteh (sconteh@slcommunityofstl.org)
- Communications Committee: Eliza Prager (elizapragerot@gmail.com)
- Vaccine Committee: Meredith Rataj (mrataj@ccstl.org)
- Service Providers Committee: Marissa Cohen (mcohen@ehoc-stl.org)
The ISPN & Wash U COVID-19 Impacts Project is seeking survey participants! We need your help in spreading the word! The ISPN & Washington University in St. Louis are teaming up on a project to understand and design collaborative initiatives regarding the impact of COVID-19 on immigrants and immigrant service providers in the St. Louis Region. There are two surveys: one geared toward service providers and the other for immigrant community members. The immigrant community member survey is available online in English, Spanish, Nepali, Arabic, & Mandarin. The survey is also available over the phone in additional languages at 314-935-3557. For more information on the project and to take the surveys online, visit our website. Our outreach toolkit is available here. Do you have an announcement for the Weekly Round-Up? Email us at info@ispnstl.org. We accept events, resources, job postings, agency updates, and opportunities for engagement. Submissions for the Weekly Round-Up are due at 12:00 PM on Thursdays for release on Friday. Job postings will run for three consecutive weeks and be removed unless specifically noted. All submissions are subject to review. If you are receiving this email, you are currently subscribed to receive email communications from the ISPN. Click here if you would like to change your subscription preferences. Know someone who would like to receive our emails? Send them this link. |
NEW! St. Louis County is looking for immigrant and immigrant service provider perspectives on their equity plan. St. Louis County is holding a series of meetings (dates are attached) to develop an Equity Plan to include an immigrant Welcoming Plan. If you would like to present for 5 minutes about changes the County could make to become more equitable in these areas: healthcare, police/EMS, housing or education, email TheEquityPlan@stlouiscountymo.gov or Kathryn Koch, Language Access Committee Chair at kathryn.koch@slu.edu Sent by Kathryn Koch, ISPN Language Access Committee Chair
NEW! Affina Healthcare hosts a variety of multilingual resources on their website. Click here for more information. Sent by Meredith Rataj, St. Francis Community Services, ISPN COVID-19 Vaccine Committee Chair
NEW! Saint Louis County is co-hosting COVID-19 vaccine events with community partners. If your organization is interested in partnering with the Department of Public Health by hosting a vaccination event click here. Sent by Meredith Rataj, St. Francis Community Services, ISPN COVID-19 Vaccine Committee Chair
NEW! In need of a few COVID-19 vaccines for community members? Contact Maria Perez, clinical pharmacist at Beverly Hills Pharmacy, to schedule a small on-site pop-up clinic for community members. The pharmacy has staff that speak Spanish, Farsi, French, and Tagalog. To set up an on-site clinic or for more information, contact her at maria@bh-pharmacy.com. Sent by Meredith Rataj, St. Francis Community Services, ISPN COVID-19 Vaccine Committee Chair
NEW! Saint Louis County and City is providing COVID-19 vaccinations for homebound residents. For city residents click here, for county residents click here. Sent by Meredith Rataj, St. Francis Community Services, ISPN COVID-19 Vaccine Committee Chair
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) has launched the Missouri Vaccine Navigator in English, Spanish, Chinese, French, Korean, Portuguese and Russian. All individuals over the age of 12 are now eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccine in Missouri, regardless of their citizenship. (Pfizer is the only vaccine authorized for those ages 12-17). Those with online accessibility issues are encouraged to call the COVID-19 hotline at 877-435-8411 for registration assistance. The State claims that language access and other services are available to callers. Sent by Rita Chang, IFCLA, ISPN Program Manager
Upcoming Events NEW! July 7- July 25 On behalf of the Cover Our Kids Coalition, Kids Win Missouri invites parents to join them for an hour-long conversation around children's health issues. The group discussion will cover many topics about children's health, including insurance coverage, access to health care in your community, any impact COVID has had on your child or family's health, and more. There will be many opportunities to attend a parent conversation on Zoom during the month of July. Parents will receive a $20 Amazon gift card for their participation. For any questions, email chanson@kidswinmissouri.org. For more information, click here. Sent by Sal Valadez, LiUNA NEW! July 9 (3 PM - 8 PM) Punch Love Boxing is hosting a family safety event on Martin Luther King & Hodiamont in the Wellston Loop. St. Louis' very own Kj Yungrage Jones will be present. There will be refreshments, healthy snacks, and give-a-ways. Sent by Poli Rijos, Alive & Well Communities NEW! August 7 - 8 Certified Court Interpreter Training. (Register by July 7). The Office of State Courts Administrator (OSCA) is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the upcoming foreign language court interpreter certification orientation workshop in Jefferson City. Orientation is the required first phase of the three-part certification program for persons interested in serving as certified court interpreters. Orientation is open to individuals 18 and older who have a native-like ability to speak and understand English and another language. The workshop provides instruction and materials regarding the different modes of interpreting, professional ethics, legal terms and the court system. The fee $260, which covers the workshop and training materials. For registration information, contact Tara Smith at Tara.Smith@courts.mo.gov, or call 573-522-2616. Sent by Kathryn Koch, ISPN Language Access Committee Chair NEW! October 15 (9 AM - 3:30 PM) The Latino Roundtable of Southwestern Illinois are hosting their 10th annual "Immigrants in Our Midst Conference: Recovery, Resiliency, and Revitalization". There will be multiple speakers discussing how they can better serve U.S. immigrants' and limited English proficient persons through creation of inclusive spaces, healthcare best practices, understanding of demographic changes, and more. Save the date flyer is attached. Sent by Rita Chang, IFCLA, ISPN Program Manager |
Jobs and Volunteer Opportunities NEW! LifeWise STL is hiring an Economic Wellness Administrative Assistant and a Financial Social Worker. Read more about these positions here. Sent by Natalie Gemberling Webb, LifeWise STL IHELP is looking for a fall intern to assist the program in various areas, including teaching English one on one, assessing students life-skills & doing general check-ins, and recruiting new volunteers. For more information on this position, contact Julie Fox director@ihelpstl.org. Sent by Julie Fox, IHELP, ISPN Chair The Deaconess Center for Child Well-Being is seeking volunteer support with virtual convenings and their Welcome Desk. For more information visit here. Sent by Rita Chang, IFCLA, ISPN Program Manager The City of St. Louis is hiring for multiple positions. Click here for more information on available jobs. Sent by Sal Valadez, LiUNA The St. Louis Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition is seeking to expand its membership to address equity in suicide prevention efforts across the metropolitan area. The Coalition is focused on building a suicide safer community for everyone, and if you are interested in joining a dedicated group of community stakeholders to move this work forward, please contact Ryan Lindsay at rlindsay@wustl.edu and visit their website. Sent by Poli Rijos, Alive & Well Communities |
Immigrant Service Providers Network (ISPN) 5021 Adkins Ave., Room 122 | St. Louis, Missouri 63116 314.721.2977 | info@ispnstl.org www.ispnstl.org |