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Weekly Round-Up 06/25/21


ISPN Official Business 

NEW! The next ISPN General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 28, 2021 from 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM. Register here. Want to plan ahead for the year? All the meetings for 2021 are listed. Just click the drop-down button to register.

Interested in getting more involved in ISPN? Consider becoming a member of our network. In addition to attending the monthly meetings, members work on focused, collaborative initiatives with other community partners in committees. Contact ISPN Program Manager, Rita Chang (info@ispnstl.org), for more information about membership. Read more about the committees here. Committee leads are listed below.

  • Conference Committee: Rita Chang (info@ispnstl.org)
  • Immigrant Family Emergency Response Fund: Rita Chang (info@ispnstl.org)
  • Fundraising Committee: Emily Stuart (emily@gatewaypets.org)
  • Language Access Committee: Kate Koch (katek7@gmail.com)
  • Membership Committee: Sidee Conteh (sconteh@slcommunityofstl.org)
  • Communications Committee: Eliza Prager (elizapragerot@gmail.com)
  • Vaccine Committee: Meredith Rataj (mrataj@ccstl.org)
  • Service Providers Committee: Marissa Cohen (mcohen@ehoc-stl.org)

The ISPN & Wash U COVID-19 Impacts Project is seeking survey participants! We need your help in spreading the word! The ISPN & Washington University in St. Louis are teaming up on a project to understand and design collaborative initiatives regarding the impact of COVID-19 on immigrants and immigrant service providers in the St. Louis Region. There are two surveys: one geared toward service providers and the other for immigrant community members. The immigrant community member survey is available online in English, Spanish, Nepali, Arabic, & Mandarin. The survey is also available over the phone in additional languages at 314-935-3557. For more information on the project and to take the surveys online, visit our website. Our outreach toolkit is available here. 

Do you have an announcement for the Weekly Round-Up? Email us at info@ispnstl.org. We accept events, resources, job postings, agency updates, and opportunities for engagement. Submissions for the Weekly Round-Up are due at 12:00 PM on Thursdays for release on Friday. Job postings will run for three consecutive weeks and be removed unless specifically noted. All submissions are subject to review.

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NEW! The Missouri Department of Social Services has multiple food and nutrition programs and events. This includes employment and training opportunities, and more. For more information, click here. Sent by Mirza Bijedic, Better Family Life

NEW! The Vaccine Equity Cooperative has released a new online resource hub in support of community-based workforces as they continue to increase COVID-19 vaccine access and readiness across the U.S. The hub includes community specific toolkits, and opportunities to share content and connect in open forums. For more information visit the hub hereSent by Poli Rijos, Alive & Well Communities

NEW! Food Outreach is providing nutritional services for individuals with HIV or individuals undergoing cancer treatment, hospice care, or waiting to choose options concerning their cancer care. They work with individuals 300% or below the FPL ($38,640 annually). They provide medical nutrition therapy with a Registered Dietitian, and also healthy scratch-prepared medically tailored meals, fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and additional healthy food options that is free of charge. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Melissa Brown at 314-652-3663*1112. Sent by Rita Chang, IFCLA, ISPN Program Manager

NEW! The International Institute of Saint Louis is providing online citizenship preparation classes this summer. Classes will be online until they return to in-person instruction the week of August 9. For more information, view this flyer. Sent by Anita Barker, International Institute

NEW! The National Kidney Foundation of Eastern Missouri has translated kidney health informational flyers. They intend to create awareness in immigrant communities about chronic kidney disease and ultimately reduce the number of those affected. Translated flyers are available in English, Bosnian, Spanish, Vietnamese. Sent by Jane Delworth, National Kidney Foundation of Eastern Missouri  

NEW! The CDC launches COVID-19 WhatsApp chat “Mi Chat Sobre Vacunas COVID” in Spanish to encourage more Latino vaccinations. This new partnership with WhatsApp seeks to deliver information in Spanish to its users. The chat provides a menu of options with nearby vaccination sites, information about transportation to and from the vaccine location, and answers to frequently asked questions. Click here to read the full article. Sent by Sal Valadez, LiUNA

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) has launched the Missouri Vaccine Navigator in English, Spanish, Chinese, French, Korean, Portuguese and Russian. All individuals over the age of 12 are now eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccine in Missouri, regardless of their citizenship. (Pfizer is the only vaccine authorized for those ages 12-17). Those with online accessibility issues are encouraged to call the COVID-19 hotline at 877-435-8411 for registration assistance. The State claims that language access and other services are available to callers. Sent by Rita Chang, IFCLA, ISPN Program Manager

The Gateway Region YMCA offers free, virtual reading tutoring to youth in 1st - 12th grades who are behind in reading. This tutoring takes place once a week through Zoom and is free regardless of Y membership. Register here. Interested in volunteering to be a reading tutor? Sign up here. Please email Michelle Peeler with any questions. Sent by Michelle Peeler, Gateway Region YMCA


Upcoming Events

June 21-25 - Voices With Impact 2021 An online festival for films and ideas around underrepresented topics related to mental health. Voices With Impact is a year-long project that celebrates mental health stories told by filmmakers with unique perspectives and lived experience. Filmmakers across the world submit proposals to tell stories about underrepresented narratives related to mental health, and our distinguished jury members select the strongest ideas from the group. Ultimately, ten teams are awarded $5,000 each to support the creation of their short films. Registration is OPEN and FREE to the public. RSVP now! Sent by Poli Rijos, Alive & Well Communities

June 21 - 26 Vaccine Event. The City of Saint Louis Department of Health will be providing a COVID-19 vaccine clinic. Click here to find out more information. Sent by Poli Rijos, Alive & Well Communities

NEW! Friday, June 25 (11:00 AM - 12 PM) The National Minority Quality Forum is hosting their first all-Spanish webinar on the Toll and Response to COVID-19 in the Spanish-speaking community via Zoom. Hispanic populations, have been hard hit by COVID-19, with increased rates of the infection, economic hardship, and less access to the vaccine. Clinical leaders and community activists are working to assist Hispanic people around the nation. In this webinar three speakers will lead a discussion on the challenges they have seen and the differences they have tried to make in the community. To register, click this link. Sent by Poli Rijos, Alive & Well Communities

June 26 Vaccine Event (11:00 AM - 3:00 PM) in North City, co-hosted by Affinia Healthcare, the YMCA, Senator Steve Roberts & Dr. Melissa Nash. Appointment is required and this is offered to ages 12 and up. Call (573) 751-4415 or complete this survey to register here. View the flyer for more information. Sent by Poli Rijos, Alive & Well Communities

NEW! Wednesday, June 30 (11:00 AM - 12:30 PM) The Community-Campus Partnerships for Health are having a webinar on Improving African Immigrant Health Through Research and Action. This webinar includes discussion about African immigrant health. It will also seek to highlight current research and increase awareness of the need for community-led research that supports service delivery and advocacy. If you would like to join register hereSent by Poli Rijos, Alive & Well Communities


Jobs and Volunteer Opportunities

NEW! IHELP is looking for a fall intern to assist the program in various areas, including teaching English one on one, assessing students life-skills & doing general check-ins, recruit new volunteers. For more information on this position, contact Julie Fox director@ihelpstl.org. Sent by Julie Fox, IHELP, ISPN Chair

The Deaconess Center for Child Well-Being is seeking volunteer support with virtual convenings and their Welcome Desk.  For more information visit hereSent by Rita Chang, IFCLA, ISPN Program Manager

The City of St. Louis is hiring for multiple positions. Click here for more information on available jobs. Sent by Sal Valadez, LiUNA

The Center for Human Rights, Gender and Migration at Washington University's Institute for Public Health is hiring a part-time project coordinator! This is a staff position with benefits - apply by June 18th at jobs.wustl.edu and search job code 52097. Questions? Email centerforhumanrights@wustl.edu. Sent by Julia Uyttewaal, Institute for Public Health, Washington University

The St. Louis Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition is seeking to expand its membership to address equity in suicide prevention efforts across the metropolitan area. The Coalition is focused on building a suicide safer community for everyone, and if you are interested in joining a dedicated group of community stakeholders to move this work forward, please contact Ryan Lindsay at rlindsay@wustl.edu and visit their website. Sent by Poli Rijos, Alive & Well Communities


Immigrant Service Providers Network (ISPN)
5021 Adkins Ave., Room 122 | St. Louis, Missouri  63116
314.721.2977 | info@ispnstl.org


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